Our COVID-19 Re-opening Guidelines and Policies

ICB is excited to announce we will be re-opening on Monday, June 15th.   We are very serious about maintaining the safety and health of our clients and staff while giving players the opportunity to get back to baseball in a safe & controlled environment.  We have marked areas within the facility to encourage social distancing during your visit, and we will be sanitizing the facility & equipment after each lesson/cage rental to ensure these safety measures are met.


Effective Monday, June 15, 2020, Inside Corner Baseball will re-open under the following  guidelines:

1.    Everyone entering the building is REQUIRED TO WEAR A MASK.   Players are allowed to remove their masks during their 1:1 lesson and are to practice social distancing at all times.

2.    Weather permitting, lessons with our staff will be performed OUTSIDE at the Habitat for Sports Field and all clients will need to follow the same strict distancing and sanitation protocols as noted on these guidelines.

3.    Upon entering the building, please proceed directly to the ICB area on the 2nd floor and SIGN IN at the top of the stairs. Parents are welcome to stay during the lesson but will need to wait in the designated visitor area ONLY. No parent/guardian, sibling or any friends are allowed near the batting cage area where lessons are being conducted.

4.    We ask that everyone in the building also use the provided hand sanitizer immediately upon arrival & departure.

5.    A maximum of 6 people will be allowed in the Inside Corner Baseball area at a time – players and parents included, so please do your best to limit the size of your group

6.    Appointments will be available through our online scheduler. 

7.    We strongly encourage clients to book all lesson appointments as soon as possible to secure lesson times.  As everyone gets back to playing ball – appointment times will fill up quickly.  

Batting Cage Rental Guidelines:

·       We expect all customers to maintain social distance of 6 feet at all times during batting cage rentals and limited to 2 people in the cage at a time – NO EXCEPTIONS!

·       Please stay within the marked areas during your time in the cages to help us facilitate social distancing.

We are all in this together!
Let’s Play Ball & Start Workin’ the Inside Corner!